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God's Heart for Us

Session One Worksheet for Group One


God is rich in mercy to all who call on him.

Prayer: the evidence of true faith.

God answers prayer.

Life’s problems remind us to call on God.

No place to go but God.

Call on God with your whole heart!

Tell God your needs, desires, hopes and dreams.

Pour out your heart before God and invite God into your life situation.

God has chosen prayer as His channel of blessing.

God is waiting to answer us and supply our needs.

We need to take prayer seriously and call on God passionately.


NOTE FOR GROUP ONE MEMBERS: During the morning plenary sessions, please use the back of this worksheet (other blank sheets of paper are avaklable) to write down insights you gather from the content of the Session One video in the light of your prayer expereince. Also, based on what you see and hear on the Session One video, how would you answer the following question: "For the sake of God, our congregation, and our community, what's the next step(s) for our Local Church to become the House of Prayer God wants us to be?" If you are comfortable doing so, then be prepared to share your insight and answers with the other Group One members in the afternoon dialogue session. After your group dialogue session, elect a spokesperson to present to the other five groups some select insight and answers (presentation time 10 minutes or less). Also, please keep this worksheet for future research and development of a Prayer Ministry at your Local Church.


NOTE FOR NON-GROUP ONE MEMBERS: Since you have been assigned to a different group and are focusing on a different session, please use this worksheet to write down any notes you may want to write down about the Session One video. Please refer to another worksheet that is related to your group/session's assignment and focus when writing down and sharing your insight and answers. Also, please keep this and all worksheets for future research and development of a Prayer Ministry at your Local Church.

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