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(Westlake) Parkside
Church of the Nazarene
Stephen Zirkle, Lead Pastor
...who hosted a

What Pastor Stephen said about

the Stand In The GAP Saturday

Intercessory Prayer Symposium:

"...When we pray...we win!!!

Spirit is on the move at Parkside!"

What Pastor Stephen said about the Tell THE Story method:

"...Serena and Dr. Thomas Jacob telling the story in Matthew 14:22-33! This is awesome!!! never heard it like this before!!! Her true colors were shining through. Hilarious, but really good!"

A Note To Lead Pastors and their Church Boards:


Your colleague, Lead Pastor Stephen Zirkle, recently had me conduct a Stand and Tell Revival Campaign at his Local Church, (Westlake, Ohio) Parkside Church of the Nazarene!


As a result of our weekend together, he and his precious people have recognized that God uses regular everyday Christians to help reach others! How? By building a House of Prayer and living Missionally!


He and his congregation are turning Parkside Naz inside-out as they join with God on mission to connect Westlake in a meaningful relationship with Christ! Glory!


You have got to hear Pastor Stephen’s review on how God honored the weekend, which included: the Stand In The GAP Saturday Intercessory Prayer Symposium and the Tell THE Story method used in the Friday and Saturday night Interactive Services as well as the Sunday morning Celebration and Sunday evening Commission Services he and his congregation hosted!


But you may not want to just take my word for it…Pastor Stephen said it's okay to call him at 440-333-3998 for a full review. Also, you are welcome to connect with me at 614-364-2741 to dialogue about the possibilities of a Campaign at YOUR Local Church! Is there a weekend open on your church calendar for God to take you and your congregation on to the next level?


Kind Regards,

Thomas Dr  J  Jacob, D.Min.

Ordained Elder & Evangelist

Church of the Nazarene

Church Without Walls® Inc.


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